pyMailer: Sends Mails

This is one tool that I had written about one and half years back. Why am I talking about it now? Well, I have recently realized that it's quite a useful thing. I find myself using it quite a bit. You may also find it of some use.

What does it do? As the title says, it just sends mails. To understand the usability, it will probably help to know why I wrote this? I wanted a tool to backup my files to my gmail account in quick and easy steps. I wanted to use gmail smtp server as I thought gmail would be reliable. Using gmail smtp was not easy, as it required login and tls support from the client. I know I could have used Thunderbird and other clients. But, idea was to have something simple and quick to use. So, requirements were like:

1. Definitely a command line interface
2. Platform independent (should run on linux and windows at least)
3. Attaching files should be easy and smooth.
4. Should have support for TLS
5. And possibly should have support for GUI and an option to save configuration so that I don't have to write email addresses again and again.

I could not find such a thing in the open source software land, so wrote one myself. It's written in python and meets the above requirements. Apart from that,

- It's written in way that it can be extended easily and modules can be used in other programs too.
- The scripts version runs on my Mac OS X without any change

Here are the links:

Sourceforge page:
Some screenshots (on Windows):

Check it out. You can certainly find some use for it. :)

Manu Garg/"Journey is the destination of life"


  1. hi, nice to c ur updated post and updated view. I learnt a new thing. keep going.

    Best Regards


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