
Showing posts from December, 2007

pacparser - a library to parse PAC files

As I mentioned earlier also, proxy auto-config (PAC) files are becoming more and more important for web proxy usage because of automation and ease of administration provided by them. Almost all popular browsers today support them. But, there is still a dearth of tools available for processing PAC files e.g. popular web software like curl, wget and python-urllib still don't take PAC file for proxy configuration. That was the problem I wanted to solve when I started to work on pacparser. Now it's ready in full glory - . From the release announcement: I am very pleased to announce the release of "pacparser" - a C library to parse proxy auto-config (PAC) scripts. Needless to say, PAC files are now a widely accepted method for proxy configuration management and almost all popular browsers support them. The idea behind pacparser is to make it easy to add this PAC file parsing capability to other programs. It comes as a shared C library ...