
Showing posts from November, 2006

BackTrack 2.0 beta on USB stick

I have been playing with backtrack installation on USB since last 3 days. Just thought of sharing my experiences with you. I have a 2 GB USB stick. I wanted to create 2 partitions on it and install backtrack in one of them. Don't ask my why - I just wanted to play with different boot options on a USB stick. Here is what I learned from last 3 days of head breaking: 1. Using a filesystem other than FAT/FAT32 on USB stick is a bad idea. I tried ext2 and ext3. Sometimes they work and sometimes (and on some systems) they fail for no reason. 2. Bootloader 'grub' is a bad choice for USB boot. 'grub' tries to know too much about the system and when things change it just raises the hands and aborts. I could get it run my USB stick, but it was very unreliable. 3. Bootloader 'lilo' also didn't work always. I worked on my laptop, while it got stuck in between on my desktop. I don't know whether it was 'lilo' or filesystem ext2. I didn't test with FA

Some Modules For Backtrack 2.0 Beta

I have compiled some modules during my testing/use of BT 2.0 beta. Here are some modules that you could find useful: NTFS read/write support using ntfs-3g: More information on ntfs-3g can be found in my previous post: "Release of ntfs-3g beta, read write driver for ntfs" LVM2 support. Device-mapper userspace tools and lvm2 tools are required to make lvm2 work in BT: Note: muts has already been informed and he has pushed these binaries in the cvs. So next release won't require these modules. I'll update the modules for this release in this thread only to make it easier to find them. Happy Backtracking ;) M Update: Nov 12, 2006 -------------------- Here comes the new modules: truecrypt . A very useful encryption utility. Digg this ; Post to del.icio.